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Indian Polity and Bureaucracy, Entrepreneurship, Education, Digital Marketing, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning


1 Response to About

  1. Mohit Daga says:

    About : Dismantling Congress party post independence

    The Political thought of yours about Congress is very true and is Dismantling there nature as well as the social extravaganza of the entire nation. The INC which was the strongest party of the nation and continues to be has shattered the response of the public to pieces,

    Although being the most powerful and being in the reign for more than 80% post independence they could not put in pure efforts in for the people and tried to lot the resources instead.

    I remember pre election time of MAHARASHTRA when people knew they don’t have better government then the coalition of INC and Sharad pawers Congress but also they knew it is not the best. This better but not the best kind of policy is the main problem for there dismantling,

    Also there policy of not allowing local people to raise there threshold and playing inner politics within the group in the name of HIGH COMMISSION or DELHI has ruined there unity and raised a reason for people like JAGAN to stand against them


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